The Forgotten Scientist
August 2006, Cologne.
The 700th photo on this photoblog!
August 2006, Cologne.
The 700th photo on this photoblog!
Cologne 2008.
Before leaving Cologne at the end of June 2008 I shot part of a roll while randomly wandering through some parts of the city. I finally got around to scanning that film today. I’ll post a few photos over the next few days that I like from that roll starting with this one.
June 2008, Cologne.
I went out to shoot with a friend yesterday and stumbled upon this scene in serendipitous fashion.
May 2008, Cologne (Fuji Sensia 100).
May 2008, Cologne.
Shot through glass from a viewing platform on top of a 30 stories building.
April 2008, Cologne (Fuji Sensia 100).
This was quite literally an off the cuff shot. I just placed the camera on a thick book I was holding, turned it to the direction I wanted, focussed to infinity, guessed half the exposure and shot off three frames. I had no way of knowing what/if I’d get/anything. Luckily, two of those frames came out decent. This is one of them. After a long time I am happy with something I shot.
November 2007, Cologne. (Fuji Sensia 100)
This is not a great shot. For one, the original exposure was way off (partially rescued here through post-processing). But I find the composition to be strangely peaceful and calming if such a thing is possible.
February 2008, Cologne.