Children of Qana

The world collapsed
around their dreams
with a whimper
in the sudden rain of fire
from the sky.

Reflected in their empty eyes,
the Silence of the world-
spineless, unconscionable.

Exploded eyeballs, splattered blood
scorched skin, limbless bodies,
strewn around like confetti.

So many lives, so many little lives
snuffed out
in an instant of insanity.

Who are the culprits?
Of this continual horror
Blood stained fingers
quickly rise to point to
everyone, no one.

Questions and Answers

Look at the sun
In four dimensions
Like a baby’s rattle

Look at the leaves
The evening shadows
In a dead man’s shroud

Look at the Questions
Off the enclosed spaces
Like kinetic molecules

Look at the Answers
In the polished pews
Like innocent Christians

Sadness of Distance

The smiles, they
Broke open
In my heart
Like blooming flowers

I wrapped them in
My love
And gave them
To the wind

To whisper in
Your ears
And dissolve the
Sadness of distance

Mild Intentions

Do you remember?
You asked me
What could I do?

I could
Your toes
Your soft ear lobes
Your eyelashes

I could
Blow my warm breath
On your neck
Caress your silken tresses
Flowing through my fingers
Like cool silver

I could
Suck your lips
Like I would a sweet lollipop
Dissolve your tongue
In droplets of my love

I could
Feel the texture
Of your burnished skin
With my blind fingers

I could
Explore the depths
Of your belly-button
With my naughty tongue

I could
Mix the limpid waters
Of my burning passion
In your earthen bowl

Is that enough?
My love

Liquid Silver Dreams

Yesterday, I got drunk
The staccato rumble of
God’s laughter

Igniting pillars
Of crazy thoughts

With a passion
The rare bliss
Of heavenly communion

There were angels
Dressed like drag-queens
Smoking pot and
Drenched in cool acid

The Old Man
Lay in four dimensions
Layers of Earthly sin

Weird sounds
Grew from his ears
Blowing holes
Through the fabric of logic

I sifted
Through the sand
Under his feet
And found the spirits
Of mortality and immortality
Lying side by side

A curious copulation
Of beautiful extremes

We were surrounded
By a band of satyrs
Sampling the delights
Of drug induced paranoia

There was a crowd
Behind us
Filled with
Schizos and hypos
Crazies and homos
Prostitutes and publishers
Capitalists and Christians
Pornographers and politicians

All chanting
The true name
In unknown harmonics

God smiled
And created a new world
Out of the surreal images
Floating in his blank eyes

I touched
His cloak
Made of lightning and thunder
To glimpse a vision of bright orgasm

It smelt
Like burnt ozone (there)
Oozing through
The leaky holes
Of my shattered brain

Wicked laughter
Echoed around me
From time to time
Pulsing like young stars
Shattering the crowded silence

I was restless
To undream
These fantastic visions
From heavenly hell

A slow dance
Of deep bass
In the confines
Of my confused mind
Disoriented, vague

I realized
The cruel weakness
Of proletarian mortality
A class struggle
Even in utter infinity

Random Fragments II


Aural delights, and
Thought poems
Light up
My grey body
With the light of
Exploding stars


Blue blades
Of thought
Pass through
The low valleys
Of my mind
Setting fire
To the dry wood
Of my ego


Inside my head
A dream
Its maroon wrapper

Delicate, fragile
Like a child’s smile
Like a woman’s womb

I peer
I await

Snow and glow
Ecstasy and intimacy


It’s all sounds
Out there

Bird trills, car whooshes,
Flower blooms, wind whispers,
Insect buzzes, cycle bells,
Exhaust blows, human sighs,
Heater burps, love tweaks

And in the midst
Of this golden orchestra

Your clear tenor
Spreading wings
Singing my soul songs


I missed you

On cold benches
Inside my heart’s trenches
In wet paper
In my thought’s vapor
Beside empty halls
In dark cellars
Outside barred doors
Under tiled floors
Between withered trees
Around my mind’s chimneys


Covered in red
I sit here
And try to imagine
The quiet warmth
Of your soft body
Entwined with mine


In the new room
I sit
Old sounds
Around me

I wait
For you
To come back
From your painful picnic


We dreamt
Of future love
And painful patience
But you
Lost interest so fast


Are you happy?
Having shattered
My moving
My fragile


I was looking
At the other side
When you plunged
The dagger of hate
In my back

You cut open
My lacerated heart
Like a red melon
And feasted
On the pain
On the hurt
On the seeds of love
Like a starving succubi


See the rain
Sweep away the silver
From our volatile dreams


I hope that
In the quiet solitude
Of your lonely dreams
You wonder
What if?

What if
Life hadn’t
Changed lanes
Switching to the
Opposite lane
Of slow obscurity?


The walls
Of familiar politeness
Are up

Let me celebrate
In silent apathy

What a letdown!
What an anti-climax!

True love
Is a perfect


Time crying
In golden streams

Lifting spirits
Bending wills

I pause
With answers

“The line is straight”

Time laughing
Like wind chimes

Breaking bonds
Burning bridges

I run
With fear

“The line is a circle”

Time thinking
Like old trees

Forming connections
Erasing emotions

I look
In awe

“The line is a loop”

Time absorbing
Like a black hole

Painting pictures
Fading sounds

I weep
With sadness

“The line is an ellipse”

Time leaking
Like broken umbrellas

Filling outlines
Masking details

I cry
With pain

“The line is a full stop”

Traveling Through Time II

On the sofa
We lay lost
In our feelings
Tracing hair and
Hidden fingertips
While the fan above
Slowly revolved with
Our newly evolving love


we were talking
when time flew
in through the
open window to
snuggle with our
love and tell us
shared stories
from our collective
pasts and futures


We sat
Side by side
In the evening
About love found
About hands united

The sun
Fell below the far line
Leaving us
To trace our palms
And find
The map of Cupid’s folly


Three pink pillows
you wanted yesterday,
In exchange for a
notional apology from me.
Today you think
and refuse to talk.
So I wander around the
house looking for words
you forgot to erase from
our common conversation


Images come and go
Falling like wet hail
On my narrow sorrows

Watery eyes in transit
Watching the dull glow


A sliver of sunshine
Quivering in a droplet
Of our distilled love

Traveling Through Time I

I look in the mirror
To find those dreams
You carved
On my concave cheeks


Trace my eyebrows
With your rhymes
As they arch over
Your words left unsaid


I felt your love
Like petals of water
Inside my
Sleeping heart


My voice remained
Inside your
Partitioned heart


Patience doesn’t grow
On discarded feelings
Nor does it wait for
Those blinded by ego


Sometimes love
Is like a train
Moving away from you
As you are arriving

The Seasons

The Seasons
sound their silent bells
before time

Cold rain
washing the dry
dust, off the reluctant trees

Wet dogs and dripping
cats huddle like
shipwrecked survivors
under lonely park benches

The sulking sun
suddenly steps out
to create
god’s seventh hope


Fresh snow
falling in wintry waves
covering everything
with a pregnant hush

Hollow footsteps
melting into strange shapes
reminding me of my thoughts
on a cold Sunday morning

Closed sounds, grey feelings
Winter rising


Brilliant sunshine
seeping through my cold skin
like my lover’s smile

A rush of warmth
as my bones bask
in the golden glow
of life awakening