Atlas Shrugged II

Atlas Shrugged II
Here is another one from the Viennese parliament. This is a part of the fountain that forms the base of a statue of Athena, the whole of which can be seen in yesterday’s photo. I’ll be posting a couple more photos of this fountain from different perspectives in the days ahead. All these photos were shot hand-held.


This is the final photo in a series of three photos of the Dom. This was a pretty difficult photo to shoot as it was shot in the night, handheld, and using the dim available light. With any other camera it would have been impossible to get a sharp image. But as my 5D has anti-shake built in I decided to give it a try. I got a decent shot on my second or third try, not completely sharp but that was taken care of by some sharpening while PP.

As I’ve a couple of things that need to be done before Wednesday I’ll be very busy and unable to post a photo tomorrow. So see you on Wednesday again!

Dom II

Dom II
Second in a series of three. This is the Dom from a different angle. I don’t know how much this photo works as I was shooting handheld and because of the high ISO used there is noise. But I kinda like the angle and it is one of my rare night shots.