Untitled 13

Untitled 13
A quiet and empty street off the main road. She beckons, inviting random strangers to walk down and gaze at all the secret riches displayed behind every shop window. But not many take up the offer. Everyone is in a rush these days, trying to catch the green bus that never stops. But the street still calls, like a siren out at sea. It is apparent in the way the shadows sing, in the way the light laughs and in the way the occasional visitor just stands and gazes at everything on offer. Will you heed her call?

The Cloud Capped Castle

The Cloud Capped Castle
…and the river flowed, like my thoughts. People hiding in the shadows. Quiet, listening to the music the river made as it tripped over smooth stones. Over the bridge old saints stood guard over humanity, sentinels of faith and belief. Far above, beyond my reach, a lone cloud spiraled in on itself like a shy child unable to open up, hiding its many secrets.

Visual Violence

Visual Violence
The lights fell
From the heavens
Streaking our senses
With raw emotion

The skies split apart
And showered us
With shattered sounds
And sizzling colors

It was a night
Of pomp and passion
It was a night
Of visual violence

Hidden Words

Hidden Words
Something from my archives. I almost always post portraits in b/w. But there was a certain harmony to the colors in this photo and therefore I refrained from converting it to monochrome. Hope you will the feel the same once you look at the photo!