I really like this inspite of the blurred stem in the foregound spoiling things a bit. The thorns against the defocussed background are what makes this shot I feel.
I really like this inspite of the blurred stem in the foregound spoiling things a bit. The thorns against the defocussed background are what makes this shot I feel.
The weather finally cleared here today. So went for a walk in a nearby park, with my trusted camera of course! Managed to get some decent shots. But before posting them here is a shot from a couple of days back when all of a sudden we had a glorious evening. The sky was dripping molten gold.
This is from last week and it was a late evening shot so it came out nicely blue. But I was curious to see how it would look in black and white so I played a little with the channel mixer in PS and I kinda liked the result. So here it is. All I did was increase the red and green and keep the blue low so the sky in the backgrnd is blown and the branches stand out starkly against the white backgrnd. Let me know what you think of the result.
Another photo where I tried the lens baby effect PS action. I thought that, in the original image, the background was distracting and there was an irritating light source (which you can still see) right next to the leaf. With the background rendered out of focus the reason for taking this shot becomes clearer in my opinion. (A portion of the image on the left and on the bottom has been cropped out to remove some distracting elements.)
I was not very happy with the original photo so tried to do something a bit different with it today. I used an action which stimulates the effect given by a lensbaby. First time I’m trying this so the result is not perfect. You tell me if this looks interesting or not.
On another note regulars here might have noticed some changes with the layout. Yes, I basically reported the blog. It now runs on Pixelpost as I was unhappy with the lack of new functionality in Folderblog, the previous software on which this blog ran. Pixelpost is very nice, perhaps a bit slow, but importantly with the kind of functionality I had always wanted and failed to find in Folderblog. Most of the work is done. Took me the whole day actually! Pretty tedious work to manually reupload each photo and set the appropriate dates but good that it is done now. There is still some minor stuff to be tweaked and added which I’ll finish over the next few days.
I had decided to enter this week’s Dyxum Photo C)and looking to enter another photo I played around with the original color photo of this. I liked the end result so much that I decided to post it here as well as enter it into the contest!
The last one, for now, from the macro studies I tried. Proper exposure is something I’ve to learn to do well.
I know that the focus is not spot on in this but I liked the delicate tracery of the veins so I decided to put it up.
The next few shots will be some macro work I tried with some leaves I picked from my garden and the newly acquired macro lens I was talking about yesterday. I’m in love with the wonderful world of macro now!
This was taken at the same place and at the same time as the one put up yesterday and yet this is almost exactly a mirror image of yesterday’s photo. Where yesterday’s image is peaceful, idyllic and beautiful this one is dark, foreboding and ominous. Can’t resist making a cheesy comment here, it is like good and bad, facing off each other. This scene was towards the north while yesterday’s was in the western part of the sky if I remember correctly.