The Last Leaf

The Last Leaf
Thanks for the nice comments yesterday, much appreciated. This is one of the few macro shots from the shoot along the Rhine. Again, I played around a bit with PP on this. Used selective color and contrast to make the leaf stand out better against what is a slightly cluttered background.

Little Flowers

Little Flowers
This is from the same shoot as [this]( I could not come up with PP I liked on this until now so it was just lying idle in the folder from that day. Today, I revisited it and got something a little more to my liking. I think the main spoiler in this photo is the light. I used the on camera flash for this and it is just not good enough for macro shots. I wish I could afford one of those ring flashes!


As I mentioned yesterday the original idea was to post another macro of the bouquet. But I just wasn’t happy with the results I was getting after post-processing of those shots. So I decided to post this macro instead, from a different shoot. At least this came out decently.


A lab colleague was given a lovely bouquet. So I requested her to leave it behind for a day so that I could shoot it to my heart’s content! Being the nice person she is she agreed. So starting with this I’ll be posting some macro shots from that shoot. The extremely shallow dof in such shots is a pain to work with, especially without a tripod. But I liked the way this shot has come out. I hope you do too.


Starting with today, over the next few days, I’ll post some of the photos I shot while taking a walk through a park near my lab a couple of days back.

This photo was a completely random shot. But while reviewing the photos from that day, it seemed to present some interesting possibilities. So I put it through some ideas and this was the result. Nothing serious, just channel mixed in monochrome with the sky pushed near white, then opacity of the layer reduced to zero to retain the faint sepia-like color of the auto white balance and some sharpening in the end to finish things. I think this processing perfectly reflects the title of the photo, and which, in the first place, attracted my eye!