Untitled 03

Untitled 03
Starting with today I’ll be posting three photos over the next three days centered around the broad theme of contrails. As you can probably tell, if you are a regular visitor here, I love these trails made by planes in the sky. In all three I’ve played around with the white balance so what you see is not exactly what I got. Having said that I still like how they have turned out although today’s photo is probably the one I least prefer among the three!

Lonesome Bird

Lonesome Bird
Even though I’ve quite a few recent photos sitting on my hard drive I’ve been unable to choose one from them to post today. Instead, here is something from my archives. I almost trashed this but after some cropping and PP it seems worth posting.

Street Lamps

Street Lamps
Although I went out of Cologne today to a nearby town on a photographic trip, I couldn’t decide on a photo to post from that trip. So here is something old instead. I hope you can guess why I named the photo thus! I’m quite happy with the way this photo has turned out. Initially, I had thought of posting this in color but the monochrome version which resulted after PP won hands down in the end!

A Tree

A Tree
From the intense golden of yesterday to the quiet monochrome of today. But I still have some photos in my archives that I want to finish posting. So here is one.

Even though this started off as a pretty ordinary photo I like the way it has ended up. I think the tone really suits the tree. The original shot was with two trees but I cropped out the other one as I feel it works better with this one tree. If you find the photo to be too big for your screen just press F11 in any browser to to full screen (and press F11 again to exit it).

Waiting For Spring II

Waiting For Spring II
This is a very simple shot but I like it for that very minimalistic nature. The water in the background is the river Rhine. As I’ve been invited for a party tomorrow evening I don’t think you will see a photo from me tomorrow, so see you again on Sunday. Have a great weekend folks!