Pink Liquid Offering
Another macro of the flower. Somehow I’m not very satisfied with this photo but I decided to post it anyway as I like the way the light is reflected in the droplet.
Another macro of the flower. Somehow I’m not very satisfied with this photo but I decided to post it anyway as I like the way the light is reflected in the droplet.
Another shot of the hibiscus-like flower from yesterday. For the first time after buying it, the versatile nature of my tripod came in handy while taking this (and subsequent) shot(s). Actually, this was shot hand-held and not using a tripod!
Let us leave the world of monochrome for a moment and enjoy the world of color once more! Here is a macro of a flower from my garden, which actually is beginning to resemble a tropical jungle these days! I managed to a get quite a few shots I liked from these flowers so you can expect to see more of these over the next few days. I’m not very good with flower names but this seems to be a variant of the hibiscus.
Here is something from my garden. It comes from a weed which grows everywhere here and has these puffy, very delicate feather-like balls at the tip of their stems. No idea what they are called though. Does anyone know?
Again, let us take a break from Vienna for a couple of photos I shot in my garden this morning. I’ll be posting a monochrome version of this leaf from a slightly different angle tomorrow.
Another macro of the flowers from yesterday. It was a pain trying to focus the stamen (or is it anther?), ended up with some nice back pain.
Moving onto other stuff, the 2006 photobloggies opened for nominations today. You can nominate your favorite photoblogs under various categories [here](
Lets take a break from Vienna for a little while! Instead, here is something I found in my garden the other day. Don’t know what the flower is called though. Anyone knows?
Another one from my garden.
Another one from my scraggly little garden.
I did not expect the scraggly and overgrown garden in front of my house to have anything worth photographing. But I was pleasantly surprised when on Sunday I tried out my newly acquired tripod in it. There were quite a lot of very small but beautiful flowers worth photographing. This is one of them. But for the very strong wind which made it next to impossible to do macro work I’d have got many more. I’m not very happy with this but didn’t get time to process any of the other ‘better’ photos so am putting this one up instead.