Round and Round

Round and Round
Another one from Berlin shot with my film Dynax 5 SLR. It is the roof, as seen from the inside, of a museum near the Charlottenburg Palace (opposite the Egyptian Museum), whose name I cannot recall now. I’ve to admit I quite like the way this photo came out. The lighting especially is lovely even though I say so myself.


This was shot at the same time as those photos of skaters I had put up recently. The structure is the elaborate roof over Cologne’s main railway station. Try as I might I just could not compose this shot without that irritating pole at the right coming into the frame.

Sepia Mood

Sepia Mood
As I’ve been busy in lab I didn’t get time to go out and shoot. So here is something from the past. This was taken in Bruges, Belgium. It is not a very good picture as the highlights are blown and the framing is not perfect. But what I like about this picture is the period mood sepia brings to it.


Another one from Brussels, in a church near the Royal Museum whose name I’ve now forgotten. This was me trying to shamelessly imitate a photo which was taken in similar style and was present in the church’s brochure. I shall leave you to pass judgement!

Lonely Girl

Lonely Girl
Somehow not very satisfied with this photo but I like the central line going up the stones and the girl alone among all that. The stones, or to use the correct word-stelae, are part of the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin near the Brandenburg Gate. (I cropped the image slightly at the top and applied some color enhancement to let the girl stand out better).