Marco Polo
February 2007, Cologne.
February 2007, Cologne.
December 2006, Munich.
Summer 2002, Hyderabad.
Not a great shot by any stretch of the imagination but this was what I used to see almost every day from my hostel room for almost one year while doing my Masters at HCU. For some reason I was very intrigued by the rock. There was something very fascinating about the way it stood there, all alone, day after day. And I think it still stands there in that exact position to this day.
December 2006, Salzburg.
This week has perhaps been the most hectic one week since I came here. First, there were all the organizational and technical details of the international scientific conference that some of us grad students organized on Thursday and Friday and on which we had been working on for almost a year, then the data seminar I had to present in the lab on Wednesday, then the poster of my research work I had to design and print in time for the above conference, then gettting my passport renewed in time so that I can get my visa extended before it expires later this month, then the payment and delivery issues with the cameras I bought off ebay, then dealing with my ever expanding mice, etc etc! Somehow, in the end everything went off smoothly and successfully. Especially the conference. Even if I say so myself, everyone, from the invited speakers to the participants, were totally impressed with the quality and professional organization of the conference. We even had a live band for the welcome party whose music was liked by all, the food was delicious, the wine surprisingly good and the Caipirinha’s decent. I guess all the hard work paid off even if I almost broke a finger while crushing ice for the cocktails by hitting it with a wooden mallet! Next year it will be even bigger as apparently a Nobel laureate has agreed to give a talk.
Now, as I relax and unwind, I’m led to believe, after how this week passed off, that there is something called hope after all.
I love shooting film. There is something about the aesthetic that film has that always pleases me, the fine soft grain and the pleasing transition of zones. So much so I went and bought myself another film camera, the Canon Canonet Q17 GIII, a classic, compact and quiet rangefinder from the 70s. More once I get it and use it.
Summer 2002, Hyderabad.
For some reason, I was laughing throughout the taking of this shot. Oh by the way, before the I forget again, the previous photo was inspired in part by the excellent and amazingly creative self-portraits of Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir.
I had intended this one to be the 400th photo here but couldn’t set it up in time and therefore I went with the previous photo. A’ways, it didn’t turn out exactly as I wanted mainly because I’m photoshopically challenged! With slightly better PP skills I’m sure this would have looked more decent but I’m satisfied with it as a proof of principle. Hopefully, next time it will be even better.
Oh, and one of my shots got featured over at Vazaar.
400th photo here!