
In the space
between your fingers
I found
a silence sleeping.

The interplay of roving fingertips
awakened hesitant speech
and, now, the frost lines along my eyes
and inside my heart, marked by the long freeze, melt.

4 responses to “Fingertips”

  1. Mermaid says:

    Packed with electric charge and warmth in a season of chill.

  2. Black Tulip says:

    beautiful.. even more so in this weather.. mine as well as of this part of the planet 🙂

  3. {illyria} says:

    the sleeping silence. god, that was sooooo good. you do surprise me with that word-wielding sword of yours. you come out of nowhere.

    happy new year’s, stranger. xx.

  4. Anil says:

    Mermaid, Black Tulip & {illyria}: Thank you as always for your lovely words. A happy new year to you too {illyria}!

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