Mild Intentions

Do you remember?
You asked me
What could I do?

I could
Your toes
Your soft ear lobes
Your eyelashes

I could
Blow my warm breath
On your neck
Caress your silken tresses
Flowing through my fingers
Like cool silver

I could
Suck your lips
Like I would a sweet lollipop
Dissolve your tongue
In droplets of my love

I could
Feel the texture
Of your burnished skin
With my blind fingers

I could
Explore the depths
Of your belly-button
With my naughty tongue

I could
Mix the limpid waters
Of my burning passion
In your earthen bowl

Is that enough?
My love

5 responses to “Mild Intentions”

  1. Mermaid says:

    Liked the play on ‘mild’ to express a raging passion.

  2. finnegan says:

    oh hell yeah that would be quite enough thank you. but wait till i’ve caught my breath, ok?

  3. Anil says:

    Mermaid: *smiles* thank you.

    finnegan: you never fail to put a smile on my face with your comments!

  4. J says:

    WOW. Sigh!

  5. SilvermOOn says:

    (It’s never enough… but I’m waxing philosphical not romantic)
    Enchanting and passionate

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