
Time crying
In golden streams

Lifting spirits
Bending wills

I pause
With answers

“The line is straight”

Time laughing
Like wind chimes

Breaking bonds
Burning bridges

I run
With fear

“The line is a circle”

Time thinking
Like old trees

Forming connections
Erasing emotions

I look
In awe

“The line is a loop”

Time absorbing
Like a black hole

Painting pictures
Fading sounds

I weep
With sadness

“The line is an ellipse”

Time leaking
Like broken umbrellas

Filling outlines
Masking details

I cry
With pain

“The line is a full stop”

7 responses to “Time”

  1. After a long time I would leave here with a smile:) of wonder! Does Time,at any time,dissolve the line altogether?

  2. Mermaid says:

    Liked the evolution of time becoming more complex with each shape, then ending abruptly.

  3. Divakar says:

    Loved the last lines…amazing!

  4. Ô¿Ô says:

    The poem’s a lifeform unto itself, tearing through time into a fantastic crescendo…

  5. Madelyn says:

    breaking bonds
    burning bridges
    i love…

  6. Anil says:

    Thanks everyone for the nice words you left behind. Much appreciated.

  7. Aran says:

    Woah! That took my breath away. After a long time, Anil. 🙂

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