On the sofa
We lay lost
In our feelings
Tracing hair and
Hidden fingertips
While the fan above
Slowly revolved with
Our newly evolving love
we were talking
when time flew
in through the
open window to
snuggle with our
love and tell us
shared stories
from our collective
pasts and futures
We sat
Side by side
In the evening
About love found
About hands united
The sun
Fell below the far line
Leaving us
To trace our palms
And find
The map of Cupid’s folly
Three pink pillows
you wanted yesterday,
In exchange for a
notional apology from me.
Today you think
and refuse to talk.
So I wander around the
house looking for words
you forgot to erase from
our common conversation
Images come and go
Falling like wet hail
On my narrow sorrows
Watery eyes in transit
Watching the dull glow
A sliver of sunshine
Quivering in a droplet
Of our distilled love