
I got back my 5D from repair quite earlier than expected. To celebrate this pleasant surprise I shot something that I had been wanting to do for a long time and here is that result. I’m not sure if it has come out any good as the light was very low and I was forced to use the only fast lens I had with me today, the 100 macro whereas a proper wide angle would have better I think. Also, it was a weird angle to shoot from.

If in case you are wondering what it is. This is looking up from the bottom of the stairwell up all the way to the fifth floor along the staircase in the old Institute for Genetics building where our mouse facility is based.

2 responses to “Infinity”

  1. Bob says:

    Nice shot. I always like that sort of perspective. If I may ask, what was wrong with your 5D that required repair (I have one too)?

  2. lel says:

    anil, this is a great shot. at times it seems to be receding into space and other times it is all coming towards me. hope you enjoyed your holidays. thanks for you comments while i was away!

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