Curved Union

Curved Union
There is a lot that is wrong with this photo, starting with the focus. But then I like the delicate flame like twirl of the defocussed leaf in the background and the two elements in the picture seemingly touching at one point. Also, this is proof that Minolta’s body integral anti-shake works. There is no way I could have got this passably decent photo, shot in low light at 1/8 shutter speed, hand-held with a 100mm macro lens, if not for the anti-shake!

2 responses to “Curved Union”

  1. . : A : . says:

    Agree with you. It is a tough one. Looked like a match and flame to me till I read your notes.

  2. Anonymous says:

    That is still some pretty steady hands. I definitely thought of the match as well and love that it appears as one thing and then evolves as you study it closer.

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