
Your images
Keep flashing
On my inner eye

A long kiss in the woods
Confessing inner desires

Sleeping together
In the quiet afternoon
Our love entwined
Between us


A long train
Of moving pictures

You and me
In love

The burning kiss
The lingering embrace


Like your red lips
And my brown eyes

With slow desire


I remember you

That shy smile
That secret glint
That quiet wisdom
That hidden strength

The playful hands
And sensuous eyes

Touching the root
Of my wild desires


Do you remember still?

That surprised night
Awkward and fumbling

You not ready
Me undecided
And confused

Do you regret
Letting down your guard

So suddenly?

23 responses to “Desires”

  1. tangy says:

    beautifully illustrated…

  2. finnegan says:

    I see you were really burning the midnight oil on this one Anil!

    The sly finish to this one had me retreating to the start for more love calls again and again—just to get down to bottom for more fine-tuned reality.

    I am a slob for punishment when it comes to love.

    As always, your late-night electronic penmanship leaves us a well-honed, quizzical love sonnet.

  3. gulnaz says:

    ah beatiful words! i wish your lady love would read this loving sonnet…you wont have to write in the past tense then. 🙂

  4. JW says:

    Superb as always. It’s a delight to visit this site of yours.

  5. Anil says:

    tangy: why, thank you and welcome here!

    finnegan: looks like this is my day for confessions…I’ve followed a policy of not dating the work I put up here so not everything is written on the day it was posted…some are from quite far back…a return to my past so to speak…this is one of them…but that doesn’t mean I’m giving up on your compliments…I will still take them!

    gulnaz: thank you! well, somethings are best said in the past tense…because they are over and done with…

    JW: hey is it really you? its been a long time…a warm welcome to you…and thanks a lot…it is nice to have you here!

  6. JW says:

    The same. Got your link from Ph’s blog. Had heard you’d shifted ~ but the genius is intact. Good work :)!

  7. Mermaid says:


    Like your red lips
    And my brown eyes”

    I melted at this.

    Do you regret?
    Letting down your guard

    So suddenly”

    My breath caught on this.

    I breathe again, and love what I read.

  8. transience says:

    love intertwined between us. that absolutely took my breath away.

  9. Rohit says:

    Stunning macha…

  10. lorena says:

    “That shy smile
    That secret glint
    That quiet wisdom
    That hidden strength

    The playful hands
    And sensuous eyes

    Touching the root
    Of my wild desires”

    most especially my favorites. it reminds me of someone. thanks for writing so beautifully of this intimate moment. i’m always amazed when i come here 🙂

  11. . : A : . says:

    You have captured the moment perfectly. Particularly the ending.

    “Do you remember still?

    That surprised night
    Awkward and fumbling

    You not ready
    Me undecided
    And confused

    Do you regret
    Letting down your guard

    So suddenly?”


  12. gulnaz says:

    well…its perfect, anyway. 🙂

  13. Aran says:

    Loved this one Anil. One of your best I’d say. It reads like the progression of a relationship over a period of time. Great ending. I’m not usually so open with praise, really enjoyed this. 🙂

  14. indigo says:

    I liked the lines,

    sleeping together
    in the quiet afternoon


    with slow desire

    mmmmmm…. sensual

  15. Anil says:

    JW: ah you praise me to much! thank you..but you havent left your site address…you still blogging?

    Mermaid and transience: ah, the two lovely ladies have returned! so nice to have you back…and thank you so much for your equally beautiful words…

    Rhohit: hey good to have you here dude…thanks!

    lorena: *takes a bow*…as always you leave lovely words behind…thank you!

    :A: ah, as always you are a man of endings! thank you…I’m glad you like this…

    cj: thank you…


    Aran: my, my you seem to like this a lot to say that…thank you…yes…it is a condended story of a beautiful relationship…

    indigo: *smiles*..why thank you!

  16. . : A : . says:


    What to do? I love good endings.

  17. A woman submits her soul
    Her whole
    To the man she loves
    Has no room to regret
    Though she might not be ready
    Wanting to give love
    Transform her soul into the light of giving

  18. Anil says:

    :A: *smiles*

    Nasra: The last line is so beautiful..did you just make it up? Amazing!

  19. rusty says:

    What wd you do …is she says that she does regret it ? Some things are meant to happen…regrets or no regrets….

  20. rusty says:

    …Beautiful sentiments though….U shd write more often.

  21. Anil says:

    rusty: I agree…but this was an excorcism of sorts…to absolve some guilt and make peace with the past…and thanks…I hope I’ll too!

  22. Wonderful. That’s all I can say about this, really.

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