Interesting imagery happng in this one “rainbow of loneliness” – usually find loneliness represented by rather dull sombre colours – a rainbow? Now that’s fascinating!
Had left comment for prev poem as well – dunno where it went And have to reply to you – was outta town, shall reply soon!
What a great
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NO WAIT ANIL!!! I was just kidding!
Really, I am always so damned impressed by your ability with words, be it the near haiku here or your essays.
lorena: I love blue too but at the same time the melancholia inherent in that color appeals to me…
Jai: it sure does!
finnegan: lol! both your comments made be burst out laughing loud…you have one quirky sense of humor…marry you?..tch..tch..the answer is a resounding no! but if you interested I’ll let some lonely women I know about you… to describe you to them….how does, “he is an old fart with frequent diaper rashes and heat-flushes, itchy dreams and irreverent humor but with words that will give you an orgasm” sound to you? ca va? right…alrite…shall let you know of matters as they progress…
and thanks for your wonderful words…I was at the top of the world for a few moments…
Orgasms in a diaper. Now that’s a quirky thought.
I think I’ll go pick me up a pack of these for an experimental geezer-spin around the incontinental
finnegan: you have one wild sense of humor…no wonder women seem to be all over you ;)…incontinental blogosphere…now that is something I’ll store in my mind and regurgitate out sometime somewhere!
i’m struck by the thought of a rainbow of lonelines! Excellent!!
once again AMAZING. makes me think of what the color of loneliness can be. i guess i should look inside myself and see.
beautiful anil
Amazing. Love the concept of the prism of longing.
“Rainbow of loneliness……………” is very sensitive.
Interesting imagery happng in this one “rainbow of loneliness” – usually find loneliness represented by rather dull sombre colours – a rainbow? Now that’s fascinating!
Had left comment for prev poem as well – dunno where it went
And have to reply to you – was outta town, shall reply soon!
very desolate, it makes me feel.
gulnaz, :A: & samudra: thank you all very much…feels nice to know that you liked this!
lorena: exactly…we all have to find our own colors…mine is blue I would say! what about you?
Geetanjali: yeah, a rainbow seemed appropriate for what I was conveying…no probs..take your time…I shall wait with bated breath!!
teleute: oh no…it was actually a celebration of the feeling…albeit in a sad way…
i want to say blue but i love the color so much. when i see a shirt or some clothing i’m drawn to it but in a good way. so maybe black is my color.
Scientific romance ay! the whole concept makes sense.
What a great
web site
I search
on line
your genius!
i look
I found a web site
that gives away free viagra:
NO WAIT ANIL!!! I was just kidding!
Really, I am always so damned impressed by your ability with words, be it the near haiku here or your essays.
Will you marry me?
lorena: I love blue too but at the same time the melancholia inherent in that color appeals to me…
Jai: it sure does!
finnegan: lol! both your comments made be burst out laughing loud…you have one quirky sense of humor…marry you?..tch..tch..the answer is a resounding no! but if you interested I’ll let some lonely women I know about you… to describe you to them….how does, “he is an old fart with frequent diaper rashes and heat-flushes, itchy dreams and irreverent humor but with words that will give you an orgasm” sound to you? ca va? right…alrite…shall let you know of matters as they progress…
and thanks for your wonderful words…I was at the top of the world for a few moments…
Like Gulnaz im struck too
Wonderful image! Classic! One for the ages!
Nasra: *smiles*
AP: thank you as always…
Orgasms in a diaper. Now that’s a quirky thought.
I think I’ll go pick me up a pack of these for an experimental geezer-spin around the incontinental
finnegan: you have one wild sense of humor…no wonder women seem to be all over you ;)…incontinental blogosphere…now that is something I’ll store in my mind and regurgitate out sometime somewhere!