Disparate Dreams

It’s your breath
That gives shape
To the love lining
My falling tear drops


Silence pours
Out of my palms
An offering of peace
To my distant goddess


You spoke and went
Leaving me there
To sift through the sands
For your vented words


Two full stops
And yet
My heart beats
The familiar rhythm


Your mouth
Wraps around my words
Rolling them around
Like fresh green grapes


I thought I felt
You yesterday
In a thought that
Kissed my lonely lips


I woke up
And thought of you
Sitting in a chair
Covered by
My blanket of love


It is evening
And I await
Your call-
My evening star

17 responses to “Disparate Dreams”

  1. lorena says:

    wow, i’m floored by such beautiful words. “your call-my evening star”
    how lovely. you write such fluid poetry. thanks πŸ™‚

  2. yvaine says:

    Wow, your words make beautiful music.

  3. :..M..: says:

    Excellent. There’s such beauty in these words..such palpable, sublime love.

  4. Soulless says:

    This makes me want to swoon . Heehee.

    It’s your breath
    That gives shape
    To the love lining
    My falling tear drops


    Your mouth
    Wraps around my words

    …Thud. ^_^

  5. transience says:

    the second to the last verse took my breath away.

  6. ellipses_M says:

    Its such a solace to come by your site. Love bubbles up in between your words and it seems your hands shape your words as the sculptor labors to shape a piece of wood into what he sees it spring from in the first place! I know I know…last sentence was a bit vague;-)

  7. Kaveri says:

    This reminds me of a song called, “Kiss the Rain”, by Billie Myers. Sometimes, all you can do is write to vent the suffocation of loneliness, to fill the distance with pure and boundless thoughts to reach her. Look up at the crescent moon tonight, Anil, and dream that she sees it, and feels you on the other side.

  8. I loved it…As if the words were recited for me and if it was I will surely be high over cloud number 9

  9. gulnaz says:

    i love the sensualite in this one. splendid!

  10. finnegan says:

    i wish i were in love like this. i’d probably lose a lot of sleep and get nothing done.
    i could imagine this being how narcissus spoke to his reflection.

  11. anil says:

    lorena: *grinning* to floor such a beautiful lady as you is no mean achievement! thank you…

    yvaine: ah a warm welcome to you here…and thank you…

    :M: oh thank you so much for your lovely words!

    soulless: oh wait…let me come and catch you swooning into my arms!! would love that…

    transience: thank you

    ellipses_M: no…no it was not vague at all…I understood perfectly what you were trying to say and I feel honoured that you think of my writing in such high terms…thank you…

    Kaveri: I wish I could do as you suggested in your beautiful comment and find solace in the world around me but it is not always possible…

    Nasra: lets hope someone will do that some day…and thank you for your wonderful words…

    gulnaz: why thank you!

    finnegan: *smiles* true…very true…so moral of the story is do not fall in love!!!

  12. teleute says:

    this is just stunning.

  13. Martin says:

    Very good poem. I can relate to the redolent sadness in your poems. I think we have felt and lived some similar times πŸ™‚

  14. stella says:

    this poem reminds me of a botticelli venus…so beautiful and breathtaking.

  15. . : A : . says:

    Beautiful ending,

    “It is evening
    And I await
    Your call-
    My evening star”

  16. anil says:

    teleute: thank you!

    Martin: we all pass through similar life experiences….I’m glad that I could make you relate to my experiences….

    stella: wow! to be compared to such a beautiful and exquisite painting is a great honor…I dont know if I deserve such high praise….thank you so much!

    :A: thank you…it is one of my favorite parts too!

  17. I love the lines:

    Your mouth
    Wraps around my words
    Rolling them around
    Like fresh green grapes


    I thought I felt
    You yesterday
    In a thought that
    Kissed my lonely lips

    They have such a simple sensuality about them. Remarkable.

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