
At low tide
I found love
By my side
By the blue dawn
Perceptive and indulgent

At high tide
I found love
Tortured by pride
In broken sea shells
Brittle and suspicious

At dawn
I found love
On my green lawn
Lying naked
Vulnerable and cruel

At night
I found love
Hidden from sight
In my heart
Polite and pensive

5 responses to “Love”

  1. temppixie says:

    Really enjoyed this, can relate to all that you’ve said so beautifully.

  2. anil says:

    temppixie: a warm welcome to you…and thank you for such nice words…it is nice to know that you could relate to what I wrote….

  3. This is really wonderful. I love all these lines. I could quote them all.

  4. anil says:

    Anonymous Poet: for some reason this poem touches almost everyone…thank you…

  5. I found love in your poetry
    Tickling my senses
    Touching the core of my being
    With your words not only I tend to forget the sense of time
    But the reason of being who I am

    Thank for your poetic words that had touched me so deeply

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