Bittersweet Bookmarks

You lived
In my eyes
As a traveling teardrop


In your hands
I saw the crochet work
Of love corrupted


Across the room
You stood
Waiting for my words
To roll out the red carpet


The night
Came to pass
In the space
Between our raised eye-brows


The stars
Put to sleep
My passions; reawakened


Sunshine stooped
To enter
Our eyes lowered
In mutual shame


Those words
You dropped
Like coins in a box
Now clink, whenever
I call out your name


These tears
Fall on the floor
And turn into
Letters of love


Let me leave
These words
In your heart
As bookmarks
Of our love

8 responses to “Bittersweet Bookmarks”

  1. :..M..: says:

    Aren’t these a mix of your previous works all put together? I like some of them. The others still remind me of the sting I’d felt when you had put them up on your previous blog. I suppose, these are pieces that live.

    I like your blog alot this time around. It’s much like you – stylish and calm. It even has a positive touch to it. 🙂 I do hope this time the server won’t crash. It’ll be a pity to lose this one.

  2. anil says:

    :M: atually not…I haven’t changed anything from when you had read them last…and thank you for appreciating the new look…and amen to that…I hope it will last for a long time this time around..

  3. “Waiting for my words
    To roll out the red carpet”

    Great metaphor . . . . the tension . . . who will go first? You capture it well.

  4. anil says:

    Anonymous Poet: thank you…

  5. SilverMoon says:

    Powerful. Your words here are as strong as a magnet, as knowing as one who feels and who writes so well about those feelings.

    I read several of your other poems. Your words left imprints on my heart and soul. I’ll follow your fingerprints (your poetry :), back here to read more. Wonderful site!

  6. anil says:

    SilverMoon: ah you are so sweet and kind….thank you so much for leaving behind such beautiful words of encouragement…would love to see more of you here…

  7. This amazing…sound like haiku

  8. anil says:

    Nasra: thank you!

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